Book reviews by celebrity athletes, coaches and officials

There are always new feedbacks or opinions about the books Budo Games published so far by prominent athletes such as Olympic champions, world champions, etc, federal trainers and association officials. Many thanks at this point for your terrific feedback! This is pure motivation for the next volumes.

If you would like to submit something and recommend the book to others, I would be happy to receive your e-mail.

What sports celebrities say about the book series ...

"Dennis Buttler has compiled one of the few indispensable works for all trainers in all martial arts with volume 2 of his book "Budo Spiele - Spiel- und Übungsformen für den Kampfsport". Many hundred games are presented in detail and described in their possibilities and effects on the practitioners. They not only facilitate the training of children, but also help to make training and teaching with amateur and competitive athletes, and even competitors at the very highest level, friendly and full of variations. As a judoka, I would like to say, "A very big deal!""

Ulrich Klocke

8. Dan Judo /Book author

„"Volume 1 of Budo Games is an indispensable book for all coaches and trainers. It offers varied games and exercise forms for every age group. In addition, Dennis Buttler manages to include interesting information about athletes and officials, which make his work additionally worth reading. An all-around successful reference book."

Stephan Bode

8. Dan Judo / DJB Head of Referees

"The two works "BUDO-SPIELE - Spiel- und Übungsformen für den Kampfsport", Volume I and Volume II by Dennis Buttler are not only an eye-catcher for every bookshelf due to the way they are presented and produced, but primarily impress with their content. The high quality of the material is continued by even more quality in the content. The very imaginative game forms and many associated variations represent a collection that every trainer can fall back on at any time to liven up or supplement his training. In my 40 years as a martial arts trainer, it has always been important to me that no two warm-ups or workouts are the same. What better way to achieve this than through games, games, games?!

Even young lions actually only play with each other every day in order to be ready for bigger fights later on. Maybe we should take a lesson from that. These two volumes could be the beginning!"

Bernd Thomsen

8. Dan Ju-Jutsu / Polizeirat /
former technical director DJJV e.V.

"An excellent book. It is fun to browse through and look at the games. It should be a standard work for every coach and practice director."

Frank Wieneke

8. Dan Judo / Olympic Champion 1984 & Vice Olympic Champion 1988/
former DJB National Coach/ Study Coordinator DOSB Academy

"Dennis Buttler's books have earned the best spot on my bookshelf - at eye level."

Ole Bischof

5. Dan Judo /Olympic Champion 2008 & Vice Olympic Champion 2012 /
former DOSB Vice president

„Eine unverzichtbare Inspiration für jeden Trainer, ansprechend verpackt – und eine klare Kaufempfehlung! Zugreifen!“

Florian Wanner

5. Dan Judo /Weltmeister / Olympian 2000 & 2004 /
Europas Judoka des Jahres 2003

"A game to warm up at the beginning of the training session? For young and old always a great idea to start with fun into a good training session! Dennis Buttler offers with his book series "Budo Games - Games and Exercises for Martial Arts" a huge selection of clearly explained game forms, where there is definitely something for everyone!"

Theresa Stoll

4. Dan Judo / Bronze Olympic Games team mixed 2021 & Bronze WM

"With Dennis' book, I can do or play something new and interesting with the kids every time during training. I believe that if we motivate the children, they have much more energy for technical training. Then it's also much easier for us to achieve an incredible amount of success!

With every game the kids learn something new, so I am proud to be a part of the book project as well! Because I also present my favorite games from my youth in Volume I, along with many other world champions and national coaches. I would recommend this book to every coach with these words: "Please use this book, because the kids and every martial artist will enjoy the training much more and have much more fun!""

Benny Lah

World Champion, European Champion in Ju-Jitsu Fighting / Slovenia

"Budo Games are a gift for every training. As an athlete, Budo Games accompanied me on my way to the Olympic Games as well as European and World Championships and provided the many sweaty training sessions with the necessary fun factor. Thus I give also now as a coach in particular the youth the possibility much playfully in training to learn. So I am excited about the book Budo Games with the extraordinary variety. I am glad that I am a part of it and could present my favorite game from the youth in volume I."

Sergei Aschwanden

6. Dan Judo / Bronze Olympic Games 2008 / Trainer at

“The budo games book is a fantastic resource for judo coaches. It is packed full of awesome judo games for kids, teenagers and adults. My classes are way more fun because of the games in the book.”

Matt D ´Aquino 

5. Dan Judo / Olympian 2008 / Ozeanean Judo Federation / Head coach

"A book that will help us, the professionals involved with child labor in martial arts, to make our job better and much more fun. Essential in your martial arts library. Great job!!"

Santiago Poncales

Jiu-Jitsu & BJJ Black Belt / Top-Trainer from Spain

“Thank you for this great book. You’ve realized a great work with this. It contains inspiring games which you can easy include in your trainings. Either as warm-up or cool down, but also to learn basics on a pleasant way. Top job, and for sure I ‘ll get some inspiration out of your book for my coming trainings.

I wish you a great success and can only recommend this one to each trainer. Going from the starter level to the experienced level of trainers.”

Jimmy Wouters

5. Dan Ju-Jitsu / National Coach Fighting Ju-Jitsu Belgium

„Beachtlich, diese vielen neuen Spiele für den Kampfsport, die hier in den ersten beiden Bänden Budo Spiele von Dennis Buttler herausstechen. Die Spiele sind sehr gut erklärt und optimal strukturiert sowie mit viel anschaulichem Bildmaterial versehen.

Viele spielerische Übungen nehme ich gerne zum Heranführen an das Techniktraining. Und gerade im Kindertraining sollte z.B. mit verschiedenen Vertrauensübungen begonnen werden, um sich auf seine Trainingspartner einlassen zu können. Dadurch wird vor allem die Hemmschwelle abgebaut, direkt mit einem Partner in körperlichen Kontakt zu treten. Gleichzeitig dienen sie außerdem der Förderung von Koordination und Körperspannung. Die Bücher sind ein absolutes Muss für jeden Kampfsportler.“

Juan de la Fuente

7. Dan Jiu-Jitsu / 5. Dan Judo / BJJ Black Belt / Referent Jiu-Jitsu & Ju-Jutsu Verband Rheinland-Pfalz
Jiu-Jitsu Fusegi Kröv e.V:

"Ein großes Dankeschön für die Arbeit, die Dennis geleistet hat. Buch 1 und Buch 2 sind beides Bücher, die jeder angesehene Trainer haben sollte. Sowohl die Quantität als auch die Qualität sind beeindruckend. Die Vielfalt der Spiele/Übungen ist enorm. Beeindruckend sind auch die Spitzensportler und Trainer, die sich die Mühe gemacht haben, an diesem Projekt mitzuwirken. Super! Wer diese Bücher noch nicht hat, sollte sie schnell bestellen. Holt Euch einen Vorteil mit diesen Meisterwerken."

Michel van Rjit

7. Dan Ju-Jitsu / World Games Sieger / Weltmeister /
Nationaltrainer Schweiz

„Die Quelle alles Guten liegt im Spiel“, konstatierte Friedrich Wilhelm Fröbel, Begründer des ersten Kindergartens. Er forderte für die frühkindliche Psyche nicht nur Liedgut und Beschäftigung, sondern vor allem „spielen, spielen, spielen“.

Mit diesem Thema kreierte Dennis Buttler eine unvergleichliche Enzyklopädie, welche so vehement in die Kerbe von Fröbel schlägt, dass es den Reformpädagogen vor Freude aus dem Grabe hebeln könnte. Eine Spielesammlung für Jung und Alt, auf alle Budo Disziplinen übergreifend, herrlich bebildert und kurzweilig erklärt.

Die Spielesammlung vergrößert sich zu Weihnachten nun mit einem zweiten Band. Neue Spiele, neue Geschichten und neue Gesichter aus dem Kampfsport. Dennis hat Unglaubliches geleistet. Alle Spiele wurden ausprobiert und auf Herzlichkeit (manchmal Herzhaftigkeit) getestet. Ein toller Zweiter Band. Ich kann mich nur bedanken für deine unermüdliche Arbeit (und Erinnerungen). Es hat super Spaß gemacht, meinen Teil beitragen zu dürfen.

Wenn Euch der Name Friedrich Fröbel bekannt vorkommt, dann sicherlich von der Sportschule in Bad Blankenburg. Dort wurde ein Hallenkomplex nach dem Gründer des ersten Kindergartens der Welt benannt. In Bad Blankenburg entstand 1840 dieses Juwel der frühkindlichen Pädagogik mit dem klangvollen Namen „Anstalt zur Pflege des Spiel- und Beschäftigungstriebs".

Manchmal ist doch alles nur Kindergarten.“

Günter Beier

7. Dan Ju-Jutsu / Präsident JJVB / ehem. DJJV Direktor Marketing /

„A perfect reference book for trainers and coaches. Great ideas and concepts that are very well designed with background information and pictures. I hope Dennis can collect many more ideas and again make them available to us in book form.“

Ralf Pfeifer

8. Dan Ju-Jutsu / IJJF Referee chairman / former DJJV Referee chairman / PSV Karlsruhe

"Cool parts with cool games. The books are also in use in my martial arts schools in Ingolstadt, Vohburg and Erkner (Berlin). And as we Berliners like to say "Ick freu mir auf Band III" for even more martial arts training fun.

Jens Lintow 

Kickbox World Champion / 

Owner of Kickboxtempel-Ingolstadt, Kickboxtempel-Vohburg  & Kickboxtempel-Erkner



Because life is more than just functioning. This is the title of the book by Gerald Hüter and Christoph Quarch. A brain researcher and a philosopher. I would go one step further and say, revive the game and let it be experienced not only by the children. For me, the inspirations and ideas in BUDO GAMES help me in my teaching with children and young adults - even the older judoka love to play judo, or "playing judo" as we often call it. For this I sometimes mix games and ideas together. Now and then the children also invent "new" game forms or variations. Have fun playing and learning."

Leo Held

Ehem. Judo Nationaltrainer Schweiz / Coaching & Supervision
